Lighting up the cathedral

The opportunity to work on a world-renowned, historic building doesn’t come along very often. So, when the team at Peterborough Cathedral contacted us to install a bespoke lighting system, we felt honoured to take on the challenge.

During the initial site survey, we were struck by how the sunlight bathed the building. It was a breath-taking spectacle. Our brief was to create that same wow factor; for the building to be enjoyed as much when the sun goes down and continue to take pride of place in the city. Given the cathedral’s history and famously being the burial place of two queens of England, we knew we had to pull out all the stops.  

The existing lighting system, strategically positioned across the building, featured gel discs in front of each light fitting to project colour onto the cathedral exterior. At three stories high, we soon realised that operating the lighting from the top of the building would be impractical and time-consuming. The solution was a new, remote lighting system controlled at ground level that would bathe the cathedral in colour instantly.

The final result is a project that Elite Electrical Eastern is very proud to have been a part of, and one that we can also enjoy ourselves every time we pass by.


“It’s wonderful to see this new lighting in place. I know it has taken much hard work and dedication from the team at Elite Electrical Eastern who have gone over and above to ensure that the lighting system not only works well but is a credit to the architecture of the building. With their generous help, and thanks to the grant that enabled us to embark on this project, the Cathedral can continue to be a visible landmark for the city.”

The Very Revd Chris Dalliston, Dean of Peterborough