Helping schools create a brighter future.

Education installs

At Elite Electrical we are proud to work with several school academies in the Greater Peterborough area. 

We assist them across the board with all their electrical needs – from LED lighting installs, Electrical installation condition reports to installing products to assist with energy saving. 

Now more than ever, schools are being asked to reduce their regular expenditure on energy to allow them to spend money on actual educational needs, that paired with requirements to achieve carbon neutral status means that the cost saving installations we can offer for them are hugely popular right now. 

Case Studies

  • Sawtry Village Academy

    LED lighting installation -2019 We achieved a reduction in the school’s energy costs for this particular phase from £20,154.48 per year to £10,41.12 A saving of £10,431.18 per annum. A calculated life expectancy of 12 year, we estimate a saving of £116,679.60 *Lifetime expectancy dependant on daily usage We installed a variety of LED products, including Anti corrosive battens, Ultra LED battens and LED panels.

    Project Overview Energy Spend before LED installation: £20,154.00 Energy Spend after LED installation: £10,431.00 Annual Savings: £9723.00

  • Nene Park Academy

    LED lighting installation -2019 We have achieved a reduction in Nene Park Academy’s energy bills for this particular phase from £19904.00 to £4859.00. A saving of £15045.00 per annum with a calculated life expectancy of 15 years this becomes a saving of £225,678.00 over the period. *Lifetime expectancy dependant on daily usage The installation comprised of a variety of our LED products, including our highly popular LED panels which are now provided with a 7 year Warranty and a 2 Year on-site warranty.

    Project Overview Energy Spend before LED installation: £19,904.00 Energy Spend after LED installation: £4859.00 Annual Savings: £15,045.00

"Working in partnership with Elite Electrical for the last 3 years has allowed us to produce energy savings across the group and to cut our energy bills substantially, This has enabled us to reduce budgets on an annual bases which in return means we can use these savings to strengthen the educational budgets or to improve the facilities on site in various other areas. An example of this would be at NPA were we used some of the savings to put towards the relay of the 3G sports pitch giving not only the pupils a better facility but the school a better lettings opportunity to increase income. Running the sites as effi ciently as we can as a Trust is a key driver in reducing energy costs. Having positive working partnerships with such contractors as Elite can only improve this."

Martin Hair - Director of Estates Cambridge Meridian Academies Trust

Contact us today for more information.